To register for the World’s Championship Horse Show, enter online or download and submit the forms on the registration page when the links are published.
To register for the World’s Championship Horse Show, enter online or download and submit the forms on the registration page when the links are published.
Viewers can watch from their own computer or mobile device. Streaming is available either on-demand for that day or the entire week.
The World’s Championship Horse Show has a rich history of impressive and award-winning horses. See a list of winners from 1902 through the present day at the Horse Show Hall of Fame.
Horses at the World’s Championship Horse Show compete in divisions. Each division includes several classes for amateurs, ladies, amateur ladies, and junior exhibitors, as well as younger horses and ponies.
Horses compete in divisions including Three-Gaited, Five-Gaited, Fine Harness, Saddlebred Pleasure, Saddle Seat Equitation, Hackney/Harness Ponies, Roadster, In-Hand, and American Saddlebred. Each division includes several classes for amateurs, ladies, amateur ladies, and junior exhibitors, as well as younger horses and ponies. Horses or riders who win earn the title of world’s champion (abbreviated WC). A second place finish is given the title of reserve world’s champion (RWC). Horses may also earn the world’s grand championship (WGC) or world’s championship of champions (WCC) title.