Information for Entering the 120th World’s Championship Horse Show
The 120th World’s Championship Horse Show will be held August 19 – 26, 2023 at the Kentucky Exposition Center in Louisville, KY. Below are requirements that exhibitors need to be aware of from the USEF, as well as the World’s Championship Horse Show, in order to have a successful and enjoyable show.
The following are the requirements of exhibitors from the USEF and must be completed before the entry can be shown, they are:
- Every trainer must have a USEF card. No-show passes allowed
- Exhibitors (Adult/Junior) and Owners are allowed ONE show pass per year. It must be applied online and proof is given to show secretary. If proof is not available, they must join USEF and complete Safe Sport Training (Junior Exhibitors exempt from Safe Sport).
- Horses owned by a Business or Farm must have a separate USEF membership and are exempt from Safe Sport Training UNLESS the owner’s name also appears on the papers. Business or Farm may apply for ONE show pass per year.
- All persons in possession of or applying for a USEF card MUST complete the Safe Sport Training PRIOR to exhibiting in a class. No Exceptions.
- If applying for USEF membership at a show, it should be done online where the Safe Sport Training is available. If utilizing a paper form at the show, an additional fee of $25.00 is required by USEF, and the Safe Sport Training must be completed prior to exhibiting in a class.
- Parents signing as trainers for their junior exhibitors MUST be a member of USEF and complete Safe Sport. No show pass allowed. If they are signing ONLY as a Parent/Guardian they do not need to be a member of USEF.
- Anyone entering a class restricted to Amateurs MUST be a member of USEF. No-show passes are allowed.
- All breed association memberships must be current as competing members.
New this year, prize money payments will be sent directly to the payee’s bank account. In order to do this, you must fill out the Vendor Registration Application that is at the back of the website prize list found here:
If a horse is scratched after being entered, the only refunds will be the drug fee and the stall (if the stall is resold). Entry Fees, armbands, gate books, and parking will not be refunded.
A horse entered in any of the pleasure (show, country, western, hunter) and park divisions that are not accepted due to over-the-limit entries in these classes will have all charges refunded. Credit card payments are preferred for entries into these classes.
We appreciate your compliance with these USEF and Kentucky State Fair WCHS requirements and look forward to an incredible show this year.