Kentucky State Fair Board Announces World’s Championship Horse Show Futurity Updates
The Kentucky State Fair Board, the proud organizer and host of the World's Championship Horse Show, reaffirmed its commitment to the Saddlebred industry through several important actions.
World's Championship Horse Show Futurity Classes
In 2025, the Kentucky State Fair Board will once again host the same WCHS Futurity classes held in Freedom Hall in 2024. To participate, exhibitors must pay a $150 WCHS Futurity entry fee. To verify eligibility for one-year-old, two-year-old, and three-year-old entries, proof of previous payment will be required at the time of entry.
Exhibitors have the option of paying a one-time $5,000 entry fee (buy-in) for three-year-olds that have not previously been nominated for futurity classes. The deadline to buy-in for WCHS Futurity Classes eligibility is March 31, 2025.
Additional information regarding classes will be provided at a later date.
Updated Youth and Roadster to Wagon Division Rules
The board recognizes the updated rules of the American Road Horse and Pony Association (ARHPA). As communicated by ARHPA:
Youth Division: To qualify for the World’s Championship Horse Show, the combination of the same driver showing the same horse a minimum of four times during the qualifying period is mandatory.
Roadster to Wagon Division: To qualify for the World’s Championship Horse Show, the entered horse must have been shown in a Wagon class at least once during the qualifying period.
The qualifying period commences the day after the final classes of the World’s Championship Horse Show and ends the day before the first class of the World’s Championship Horse Show.
Show Information
The world's most prestigious Saddlebred show is scheduled for August 16 - 23, 2025, in Freedom Hall at the Kentucky Exposition Center. Additional information regarding the show, qualification submission process, and on-site exhibitor experience will be announced closer to the show. For more information about the event, visit https://wchorseshow.com